Charleswood Senior Mixed Curling League

The Charleswood Senior Mixed Curling League has been in operation since 1970, using the facilities of the Charleswood Curling Club. Originally we were a social club offering activities such as carpet bowling, bridge, cribbage, and a senior’s choir… in addition to curling.
Over the years, interest in activities other than curling has diminished, so now we are primarily a mixed curling club. It is important to note that we have no minimum age requirement. We have several players who are younger than the traditional age limit for senior curling. We encourage anyone who has limited or no curling background to join. Training and coaching is provided.
We still stress the word “social.” The league offers mixed recreational, fun curling with no prizes/trophies, etc. – just good fun and good fellowship for curlers of all levels. Players enter as individuals, not teams. Four times a year the teams are reorganized to optimize the social aspect, thereby allowing everyone to get to know one another. Generally, curlers play at the position they choose.
Monday and Friday mornings at 9:30 AM starting mid-October and finishing mid-March. We curl four nine-game quarters. The first two quarters are usually completed before Christmas.
For curlers who are not able to commit to a full season, we do accept registration for less than a full season. Preference is given to full-season registrants although every effort will be made to accommodate all registrants.
We also welcome curlers who wish to spare in our league. The spare fee is $5.00 per game, payable when you curl.
For more information please contact: Iris Clairmont at 204 895-1124
Food coupons are mandatory for all curlers (spares are exempt). To ensure quality and viable food/canteen service the Charleswood Curling Club executive requires all curlers to purchase a $25 book of food coupons. These coupons are redeemable for food and drink at the canteen. The caterer is a vital part of the curling club. We thank you in advance for your support.
Fees for 2024 – 2025
Full-time curler $238
Per quarter $68.00
Spare Fee $5.00
Mandatory Food Coupons $25
To Register
To register, complete the membership application registration form (click here to download),
and submit it along with your curling fees to our membership chair.
Be sure to include $25 for your food coupons. The food coupon fee may be
combined into one cheque with your curling fee. Make your
cheque payable to the “Charleswood Seniors Curling Club.”
Alternatively, you can attend the Charleswood Curling Club registration night which will be held on September 11, 2024, at 7 p.m.
(Registration tables will be set up on the 2nd floor at the Club.)
Please register as early as possible, no later than Sept. 22nd.
Curlers are accepted on a first-come basis. Please note, full-season curlers are given preference over part-season curlers. Refunds of curling fees are given in certain circumstances, e.g. health problems.
Executive: 2024-2025
President – George Gamby 204-590-9395
Past-President – Wally Pyl
- Ice and Draw – Christine McInnes
- Membership – Iris Clairmont at 204 895-1124
- Treasurer – Sig Schroeder
- Secretary – Howard Lutman
- Social – Sally Buss/Sandi Ferguson
- Spare coordinator – Doug McBurney 204 797 6287
Although primarily a curling league, we do hold a Christmas luncheon which is very popular with our members. A gift exchange is part of the fun and adds to the camaraderie.
We have also hosted a spring golf outing for our members for the last few years. A most enjoyable day for all who attend.