1) Please pick up your jacket and event pass on Monday, February 3, 2020 in the lobby of the Eric Coy Arena at 535 Oakdale Dr between 4:00 and 7:00 pm. If you are unable to pick up on February 3 please email Pat Sieben at [email protected] to make other arrangements.
2) There will not be a safe storage spot for your valuables during the event so please don’t bring purses etc. for your shifts.
3) Coat storage, light snacks and beverages will be available in the Volunteer Lounge at Eric Coy Arena. You may purchase food at the Eric Coy Canteen and the Charleswood Curling Club.
4) The Rock and Roll Social Hall at the Charleswood Curling Club has some great entertainment lined up during the event, I will send out more details when we get closer!
5) The committee chairs are working hard on scheduling, expect to hear from them in the next week if you haven’t been scheduled yet.
6) We need a volunteer who is social media savvy and capable of doing some analytics and researching Viterra2020 team and their followers. If you can help please email Debbie Henry at [email protected] for more details.
Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions.
Pat Sieben,
Viterra2020 Volunteer Co-ordinator